Disclaimer website & privacyreglement

This disclaimer applies when you visit TBWbv.nl. When accessing and using this site, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.

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Disclaimer website & privacyreglement

This disclaimer and our privacyreglement applies when you visit TBWbv.nl. When accessing and using this site, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer and/or privacyreglement.

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Disclaimer website TBWbv.nl

Liability website TBWbv.nl
We do our utmost to ensure that the information on this site is as reliable and accurate as possible. However, it is possible that certain information is incorrect or outdated. Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands cannot be held liable for the content on this website, the consequences of using it and/or activities that are undertaken on the basis of this website. Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands is also not liable for incorrect information our site refers to on third-party websites.
Intellectual property
Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands retains copyright on all content provided on this site. Public display and distribution of this website or parts of it is strictly prohibited; copying and saving content without prior explicit written permission from Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands is prohibited as well.
Use of personal data
Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands is responsible for processing personal data received via this website. Customer and visitor personal data is safeguarded [protected]. Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands will not [disclose] make your personal data available to third parties or sell your personal information and complies with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens). Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands processes the data received via the website. For example, data from forms on the website you have filled in. This data is only saved and used solely for the intended purposes and is not distributed to third parties.
No Cookies
Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands gathers and analyses information on how the website is used in order to optimise the website for its customers. So-called 'cookies' are - at this moment - NOT used in gathering this data. When you visit another website, the cookie, a small simple file, is sent to your computer. Cookies can save user settings and other information; and are meant to make your visit to our website and your internet browsing user friendly. You can enable and disable cookies in your browser settings. You can visit all sections of our website because cookies are disabled - at this moment.
Our website has links which refer to third party websites. Totaal Beton Werken in the Netherlands is not responsible or liable for how these parties handle your data.
© Totaal Beton Werken
This Disclaimer was last amended on: November 11, 2017 13:45

Disclaimer website & Privacy policy

This disclaimer and our privacyreglement applies when you visit TBWbv.nl. When accessing and using this site, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer and/or privacy policy.

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Privacy policy website TBWbv.nl

Privacy policy
This privacyreglement applies to the personal data that the Totaal Beton Werken processes, among other things via the TBWbv.nl website. We respect your right to privacy and shall ensure that the personal information that you give us is treated with confidentiality.
Totaal Beton Werken is located at the under mentioned address in the Netherlands. If you have queries or requests please contact Totaal Beton Werken by phone, e-mail or post.
Using our services
If you wish to submit an application using the online application form, we ask you to provide personal data which is then used to handle your application and to contact you about it.The data is stored on a secure server. The information is not shared with third parties but it is shared internally in order to guarantee the quality of the advice. The Totaal Beton Werken staff are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the data. Based on your application, however, we may contact third parties to whom you have also submitted an application as indicated by you, or who are actively involved with the application.
When you send us an e-mail or other form of communication, in certain cases we may save these messages. We sometimes request personal data relevant to the situation concerned, which enables us to answer your enquiry or request and to process it. The data is stored on a secure server.
Bringing our partners closer together
In addition to supporting initiatives, we are also keen to connect our partners. We do this by organising network meetings and your data may be used to invite you to attend one of these meetings with other the Totaal Beton Werken partners.
We also like to inform our partners about the publication of our annual report, or invite you to take part in a study and, when sending such communications, we use the data we have available about you. If you no longer want to receive invitations or information you can opt out by sending an e-mail to me.
Changes of Privacy policy
This privacyreglement is tailored to the use of this site and what it offers. Any amendments and changes to the site can lead to modifications of the privacyreglement. You are personally responsible for keeping up to date with the latest version of our privacy policy and we therefore advise you to make regular checks to see if there have been any changes. The date of the last amendment is underneath at the bottom of this paragraph.
© Totaal Beton Werken
This Privacy policy was last amended on: November 11, 2017 13:45